
QueryEngine for querying feature ids based on the surface nodes


NN Oosterhof, T Wiestler, PE Downing, J Diedrichsen (2011). A comparison of volume-based and surface-based multi-voxel pattern analysis. Neuroimage, 56(2), pp. 593-600

‘Surfing’ toolbox: (and the associated documentation)

Inheritance diagram of mvpa2.misc.surfing.queryengine


disc_surface_queryengine(radius, volume, ...) Voxel selection wrapper for multiple center nodes on the surface


SurfaceQueryEngine(surface, radius[, ...]) Query-engine that maps center nodes to indices of features (nodes) that are near each center node.
SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(voxsel[, space, ...]) Query-engine that maps center nodes to indices of features (voxels) that are near each center node.
SurfaceVoxelsQueryEngine(voxsel[, space, ...]) Query-engine that maps center voxels (indexed by feature ids) to indices of features (voxels) that are near each center voxel.