
mvpa2.misc.plot.topo.plot_head_topography(topography, sensorlocations, plotsensors=False, resolution=51, masked=True, plothead=True, plothead_kwargs=None, **kwargs)

Plot distribution to a head surface, derived from some sensor locations.

The sensor locations are first projected onto the best fitting sphere and finally projected onto a circle (by simply ignoring the z-axis).


topography : array

A vector of some values corresponding to each sensor.

sensorlocations : (nsensors x 3) array

3D coordinates of each sensor. The order of the sensors has to match with the topography vector.

plotsensors : bool

If True, sensor will be plotted on their projected coordinates. No sensor are shown otherwise.

plothead : bool

If True, a head outline is plotted.

plothead_kwargs : dict

Additional keyword arguments passed to plot_head_outline().

resolution : int

Number of surface samples along both x and y-axis.

masked : bool

If True, all surface sample extending to head outline will be masked.

**kwargs :

All additional arguments will be passed to pylab.imshow().


(map, head, sensors) :

The corresponding matplotlib objects are returned if plotted, ie. if plothead is set to False, head will be None.


The colormap that makes the actual plot, a matplotlib.image.AxesImage instance.


What is returned by plot_head_outline().


The dots marking the electrodes, a matplotlib.lines.Line2d instance.