
Misc. plotting helpers.


concat_ts_boxplot_stats(run_stats) Helper to concatenate boxplot stats from compute_ts_boxpot_stats
inverse_cmap(cmap_name) Create a new colormap from the named colormap, where it got reversed
plot_bars(data[, labels, title, ylim, ...]) Make bar plots with automatically computed error bars.
plot_dataset_chunks(ds[, clf_labels]) Quick plot to see chunk sctructure in dataset with 2 features
plot_decision_boundary_2d(dataset[, clf, ...]) Plot a scatter of a classifier’s decision boundary and data points
plot_err_line(data[, x, errtype, curves, ...]) Make a line plot with errorbars on the data points.
plot_err_line_missing(data[, x, errtype, ...]) Make a line plot with errorbars on the data points.
plot_feature_hist(dataset[, xlim, noticks, ...]) This function is deprecated and will be removed.
plot_samples_distance(dataset[, sortbyattr]) Plot the euclidean distances between all samples of a dataset.
timeseries_boxplot(median[, mean, std, n, ...]) Produce a boxplot-like plot for time series data.
