Inheritance diagram of Hamster

class*args, **kwargs)

Simple container class with basic IO capabilities.

It is capable of storing itself in a file, or loading from a file using pickle (optionally via zlib from compressed files). Any serializable object can be bound to a hamster to be stored.

To undig burried hamster use Hamster(filename). Here is an example:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import tempfile
>>> h = Hamster(bla='blai')
>>> = np.arange(5)
>>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
>>> h.dump(
>>> h = Hamster(

Since Hamster introduces methods dump, asdict and property ‘registered’, those names cannot be used to assign an attribute, nor provided in among constructor arguments.


asdict() Return registered data as dictionary
dump(filename[, compresslevel]) Bury the hamster into the file

Initialize Hamster.

Providing a single parameter string would treat it as a filename from which to undig the data. Otherwise all keyword parameters are assigned into the attributes of the object.


asdict() Return registered data as dictionary
dump(filename[, compresslevel]) Bury the hamster into the file

Return registered data as dictionary

dump(filename, compresslevel='auto')

Bury the hamster into the file


filename : str

Name of the target file. When writing to a compressed file the filename gets a ‘.gz’ extension if not already specified. This is necessary as the constructor uses the extension to decide whether it loads from a compressed or uncompressed file.

compresslevel : ‘auto’ or int

Compression level setting passed to gzip. When set to ‘auto’, if filename ends with ‘.gz’ compresslevel is set to 5, 0 otherwise. However, when compresslevel is set to 0 gzip is bypassed completely and everything is written to an uncompressed file.


List registered attributes.