(dataset, out, targets_attr='targets', domain=None, am=None)¶ Export dataset into LightSVM format
Parameters: dataset : Dataset
out :
Anything understanding .write(string), such as
targets_attr : string, optional
Name of the samples attribute to be output
domain : {None, ‘regression’, ‘binary’, ‘multiclass’}, optional
What domain dataset belongs to. If
, it would be deduced depending on the datatype (‘regression’ if float, classification in case of int or string, with ‘binary’/’multiclass’ depending on the number of unique targets)am :
or None, optionalWhich mapping to use for storing the non-conformant targets. If None was provided, new one would be automagically generated depending on the given/deduced domain.
Returns: am :
LightSVM format is an ASCII representation with a single sample per :
each line:: :
output featureIndex:featureValue ... featureIndex:featureValue
where ``output`` is specific for a given domain: :
regression :
float number
binary :
integer labels from {-1, 1}
multiclass :
integer labels from {1..ds.targets_attr.nunique}