
Inheritance diagram of SummaryStatistics

class mvpa2.clfs.transerror.SummaryStatistics(targets=None, predictions=None, estimates=None, sets=None)

Basic class to collect targets/predictions and report summary statistics

It takes care about collecting the sets, which are just tuples (targets, predictions, estimates). While ‘computing’ the matrix, all sets are considered together. Children of the class are responsible for computation and display.


add(targets, predictions[, estimates]) Add new results to the set of known results
as_string([short, header, summary, description]) ‘Pretty print’ the matrix
compute() Actually compute the confusion matrix based on all the sets
reset() Cleans summary – all data/sets are wiped out

Initialize SummaryStatistics

targets or predictions cannot be provided alone (ie targets without predictions)


targets :

Optional set of targets

predictions :

Optional set of predictions

estimates :

Optional set of estimates (which served for prediction)

sets :

Optional list of sets


add(targets, predictions[, estimates]) Add new results to the set of known results
as_string([short, header, summary, description]) ‘Pretty print’ the matrix
compute() Actually compute the confusion matrix based on all the sets
reset() Cleans summary – all data/sets are wiped out
add(targets, predictions, estimates=None)

Add new results to the set of known results

as_string(short=False, header=True, summary=True, description=False)

‘Pretty print’ the matrix


short : bool

if True, ignores the rest of the parameters and provides consise 1 line summary

header : bool

print header of the table

summary : bool

print summary (accuracy)

description : bool

print verbose description of presented statistics


Actually compute the confusion matrix based on all the sets


Cleans summary – all data/sets are wiped out


Return a list of separate summaries per each stored set