
Inheritance diagram of RegressionStatistics

class mvpa2.clfs.transerror.RegressionStatistics(**kwargs)

Class to contain information and display on regression results.


add(targets, predictions[, estimates]) Add new results to the set of known results
as_string([short, header, summary, description]) ‘Pretty print’ the statistics
compute() Actually compute the confusion matrix based on all the sets
plot([plot, plot_stats, splot]) Provide presentation of regression performance in image
reset() Cleans summary – all data/sets are wiped out

Initialize RegressionStatistics


targets :

Optional set of targets

predictions :

Optional set of predictions


add(targets, predictions[, estimates]) Add new results to the set of known results
as_string([short, header, summary, description]) ‘Pretty print’ the statistics
compute() Actually compute the confusion matrix based on all the sets
plot([plot, plot_stats, splot]) Provide presentation of regression performance in image
reset() Cleans summary – all data/sets are wiped out
as_string(short=False, header=True, summary=True, description=False)

‘Pretty print’ the statistics

plot(plot=True, plot_stats=True, splot=True)

Provide presentation of regression performance in image


plot : bool

Plot regular plot of values (targets/predictions)

plot_stats : bool

Print basic statistics in the title

splot : bool

Plot scatter plot


(fig, im, cb) – figure, imshow, colorbar :