Inheritance diagram of Report

class'report', title=None, path=None, author=None, style='Normal', fig_ext=None, font='Helvetica', pagesize=None)

Simple PDF reports using reportlab

Named report ‘report’ generates ‘report.pdf’ and directory ‘report/’ with images which were requested to be included in the report

You can attach report to the existing ‘verbose’ with

>>> report = Report()
>>> verbose.handlers += [report]

and then all verbose messages present on the screen will also be recorded in the report. Use

>>> report.text("string")          #  to add arbitrary text
>>> report.xml("<H1>skajdsf</H1>") # to add XML snippet


>>> report.figure()  # to add the current figure to the report.
>>> report.figures() # to add existing figures to the report

Note that in the later usecase, figures might not be properly interleaved with verbose messages if there were any between the creations of the figures.

Inspired by Andy Connolly


clear() Clear the report
figure([fig, name, savefig_kwargs]) Add a figure to the report
figures(*args, **kwargs) Adds all present figures at once
flowbreak() Just a marker for the break of the flow
save([add_preamble]) Saves PDF
text(line, **kwargs) Add a text string to the report
write(line, **kwargs) Just an alias for .text, so we could simply provide report
xml(line[, style]) Adding XML string to the report

Initialize report


name : string

Name of the report

title : string or None

Title to start the report, if None, name will be used

path : string

Top directory where named report will be stored. Has to be set now to have correct path for storing image renderings. Default: current directory

author : string or None

Optional author identity to be printed

style : string

Default Paragraph to be used. Must be the one of the known to reportlab styles, e.g. Normal

fig_ext : string

What extension to use for figures by default. If None, a default will be used. Since versions prior 2.2 of reportlab might do not support pdf, ‘png’ is default for those, ‘pdf’ otherwise

font : string

Name of the font to use

pagesize : tuple of floats

Optional page size if not to be default


clear() Clear the report
figure([fig, name, savefig_kwargs]) Add a figure to the report
figures(*args, **kwargs) Adds all present figures at once
flowbreak() Just a marker for the break of the flow
save([add_preamble]) Saves PDF
text(line, **kwargs) Add a text string to the report
write(line, **kwargs) Just an alias for .text, so we could simply provide report
xml(line[, style]) Adding XML string to the report

Clear the report

figure(fig=None, name=None, savefig_kwargs={}, **kwargs)

Add a figure to the report


fig : None or str or figure.Figure

Figure to place into report: str is treated as a filename, Figure stores it into a file under directory and embeds into the report, and None takes the current figure

savefig_kwargs : dict

Additional keyword arguments to provide savefig with (e.g. dpi)

**kwargs :

Passed to reportlab.platypus.Image constructor

figures(*args, **kwargs)

Adds all present figures at once

If called twice, it might add the same figure multiple times, so make sure to close all previous figures if you use figures() multiple times


Just a marker for the break of the flow


Saves PDF


add_preamble : bool

Either to add preamble containing title/date/author information

text(line, **kwargs)

Add a text string to the report

write(line, **kwargs)

Just an alias for .text, so we could simply provide report as a handler for verbose

xml(line, style=None)

Adding XML string to the report