Man page for tutorial
pymvpa2-tutorial - start a PyMVPA tutorial session
,options/] [
,ipython options/]
Wrapper around the IPython executable creating a session directory for working
with the PyMVPA tutorial. The necessary tutorial data is copied (or symlinked,
if possible) into the session directory. If the tutorial shall run in IPython's
notebook the relevant notebook files are copied into the session directory as
well. Any additional options are passed on to IPython. IPython is executed
in the tutorial session directory, and any potential relative path
configurations (such as PYTHONPATH) need to take this into account.
- --help
print this help and exit
- --version
show program's version number and exit
- --use-qtconsole
start an IPython qtconsole
- --use-notebook
start an IPython notebook server
- --workdir
path to the tutorial session directory.
Default: ,$HOME/pymvpa2_tutorial/
- --clean-workdir
delete tutorial session data on exit
- --overwrite-notebook
overwrite existing notebook files in the tutorial
session directory
- --tutorial-data-path=<path>
path to the tutorial data (need to contain the
'data' directory)
- --tutorial-notebooks-path=<path>
path to the tutorial notebooks